We're so glad you're here!
Visiting a new church can sometimes be a little overwhelming. If this is your first time as a guest, you may have lots of questions such as, what time does services start, is there Praise and Worship, are there classes for children,etc. This section will give you all the details about what to expect!

Our Worship Services
We look forward to worshiping with you! From the moment you arrive, you’ll be greeted by an open door, friendly smiles and open arms. We offer 2 services here at Mt. Olive. Whether you’re an early riser or prefer to worship later in the morning, we offer options that fit your schedule. Come and grow in the Lord with us!
Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 a.m. est ​
Sunday School - 8:10 a.m. est
Wednesday - 6:00 - Prayer and Praise
6:30 p.m. - Bible Study

Guest Information
At Mt. Olive you’ll find a Welcome Table in the breezeway. You can visit with a friendly greeter before and after worship services to learn about ministries, small groups, childcare and volunteer opportunities.

Once you've made the decision to become a part of the Mt. Olive family, simply walk down the aisle at the minister's call. A member of our New Members Ministry will lead you to our new member's room and discuss next steps with you, as well as give you a welcome packet of information about your new church.

New Members Class

Want to get involved?
Find out about more than 30 ministries in which you can serve on here at Mt. Olive
Click here for more information

Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified,
buried, and risen Savior and the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus. Here at Mt. Olive, we baptize on the
First Sunday of each month during our 9:30 a.m. service. Contact the Church Office for
more details. 989-752-8064

What should I wear?
Mt. Olive's focus is NOT on what you wear, but on you building a relationship with God. We enjoy a relaxed atmosphere of worship, and hope that you will feel comfortable coming to worship just as you are. You’ll see a wide variety of clothing styles – from suits and dresses to polos and khakis to jeans and t-shirts. The most important thing is to come dressed in a way that you feel comfortable to worship God. Our dress code is "casual, but Godly."

What time should I arrive?
Service Starts promptly at 9:30 a.m. Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before service starts. When you enter, you will be welcomed by one of our greeters. If you are a first-time guest, please be sure to mention this to our greeters, so we can give you a gift bag and a Mt. Olive Welcome.

Where do I park?
Parking is located in the main lots as well as behind our building, feel free to park wherever Designated. There are security staff in the parking lots to help direct you. Please abide by City of Saginaw parking laws when parking on the street. Handicap ramps and an assist lift into the church are also available.

Social Media
eStay connected with Mt. Olive through our social media outlets. Here at "The Olive" we offer live video streaming of all bible study and worship services. Understanding your busy schedules, our services are archived so you can watch and study at a time that best fits your schedule. For Live Streaming go to the home page of this website and click watch Live or go to Youtube and search for Mt. Olive's page at mtoimbc and follow the prompts. You can also follow us on
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Flickr

Learn our Core Values. Understand what we believe and why we believe it. Connect with other new members. All this and more can be discovered during our new members' classes. After completing a membership card, you will be contacted by the main office concerning times and dates of our New Members class, which are held on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the J.P. Wilson Hall, Laymen Room.