Very Important Parents (V.I.P)
"But yea are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an Holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
Mission Statement
To be led by the Holy Spirit as we take our marching orders about Parenting from the Word of God.
To reach out to Parents and Grandparents in the name of Jesus Christ.
To offer encouragement, support, wisdom and parenting skills to those inexperienced raising school-aged children and/or overwhelmed by parenting.
To assist parenting in attaining and networking with services and resources.
We encourage parents and grandparents to live I Peter 2:9 as Peculiar Parents who accept God's calling to raise children empowered to realize their full potential.
We see ourselves resurrecting family values needed to become victorious in the spiritual warfare that is attacking the souls of children
Through a personal relationship with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, prayer and materials received from the Parent Resource Room, we see parents and grandparents experiencing improved relationships with the children they are raising.
We see families being blessed with the fruit of the Spirit, bearing growth in their relationships with God, improved grades and behaviors of the children and parents sharing their testimonies that Victories are ignited by Prayer (V.I.P. Treatment)
V.I.P. Ministry Chairperson - Delores McMillan Lewis
Cell: (989) 332-9900 Home: (989) 754-3154
V.I.P. Ministry
Parent Resource Committee Chairperson -Kathy Shaw
Meetings are scheduled as follows:
The 4th Saturday of each month
Click the pear above to view
and download the Resource Document
The Very Important Parents (V.I.P.) Ministry recommends the following Sample of Resources as we all navigate our way through this pandemic season to help Children return to their highest potentials:
1. Regarding academic deficits from Virtual Learning
A Parent’s Guide: Put Reading First
Ignite Your Child’s Black Math Genius:5 Day Challenge begins May 5
Ask Dr. Pam Pugh, State Board of Education about effects on your child’s learning and mental health.
2 . Podcasts about Solutions to Parenting Issues expanded during pandemic
“Why or Why Not with The Watsons” by Benjamin & Kirsten Watson.
The Ex-NFL Player and his wife have seven children.
“Single Mom Strong”
3. A V.I.P. Teen Parent Group has recently been formed in Partnership with the Saginaw Public School District. We will accept mothers and fathers.
4. The rise in Black Mothers Morality has become a crisis.
V.I.P. has a Partnership with Life Clinic, 4364 State Street Saginaw, 989 430-0136 which has Advocates, Midwife & Doula Services available to help pregnant women be better attended to as they learn to plan and prepare better. Fathers are also able to benefit from Life Clinic Services to Parents.
5. The V.I.P. Ministry encourages Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, Child-Care Providers to meet with us Each 4th Saturday, 10:30 am, on Zoom. Contact 989 754-3154, or for details.
For further information about the
VIP Ministry Contact:
Delores Lewis @ 989.332-9900,
Ministry Chairperson