Joshua M. Daniels, M.Div

Senior Pastor
It's UP from Here!
Pastor Joshua M. Daniels is the exciting, gifted, visionary, and anointed Senior Pastor of Mt. Olive Institutional Missionary Baptist church. Frequently deemed one of his generation's leading voices, Pastor Daniels preaches expository messages that are biblically based, theologically sound, doctrinally focused, culturally relevant, and prophetically accurate. His unique style of communicating the Gospel has gained him recognition and invitations across the nation. Pastor Daniels preached his first sermon at the tender age of 6 and began pastoral ministry at 19. He has been blessed to serve as the Senior Pastor of congregations in Beaumont, Texas, Houston, Texas, and Los Angeles, California and now Saginaw, MI.
Pastor Daniels earned a Master of Divinity degree from Houston Graduate School of Theology in Houston, Texas, and is pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Homiletics at Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina. Serving in both the Church and Academy, Pastor Daniels serves as the Assistant Recording Secretary of the National Missionary Baptist Convention of America, Congress Dean for the Providence Baptist District Association, and is a member of the Evangelical Homiletics Society and Academy of Homiletics. Pastor Daniels has traveled extensively across the country and is considered a much sought-after speaker. Pastor Daniels has served regularly as a revivalist, conference speaker, and seminar instructor and is also a published author.
Pastor Daniels is the husband of Mrs. Arianna S. Daniels, and they are the proud parents of three children,
Jarrington M. Daniels (10), Joshua M. Daniels, II. (7), and Jenesis M. Daniels (1).
The words of the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:28-29 (ESV) can reflect his life's passion, purpose, and priority, "Him we preach, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this, I toil, struggling with all his energy that He powerfully works within me."