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A Lifestyle of Serving!
MINISTRIES - Alphabetical Order
Blue Angels
Christian Education​
1st Responders
God's Prayer Shawl
Personnel Policy
Reap What You Sew
2nd Sunday Soldiers
Find out about more than 30 ministries in which you can serve on here at Mt. Olive
1 Corinthians 12:7 tells us when we meet Jesus, we are all given at least one spiritual gift. Spiritual gifts are specific ways the work of the Holy Spirit is manifested in our lives. These gifts join together to form who we are and how we participate in the work God is doing all around us.

To provide assistance by enhancing the decor for fellowship activities and Holiday seasons.
Our ministry promotes healthy lifestyles by encouraging members to take charge of their health through ongoing health educational activities and providing vital information. We also encourage a church environment that promotes
healthy eating by encouraging members to prepare nourishing meals
and engage in physical activity.

To strengthen Godly character, build self esteem, develop self discipline, self respect and self control through mastering techniques in self defense.

To maintain a system of guidelines for the governing of Mt. Olive Institutional Missionary Baptist Church. (Pastor, officers, employees and members of the congregation)

To provide a foundation for children to live a Godly and Christ-entered life through the key areas of
Evangelism, fellowship, disciplineship, Ministry and Worship.

To teach the word of God in a way to encourage involvement in the total church program and to train souls for Christian service.

Our goal is to develop an ongoing relationship with local college students and maintain a relationship with our members who are in college throughout the country.

Flocks are created to meet the needs of the congregation so that no individual member is left Behind.

To lead others to Christ through plays, skits, mime and dance.

To provide a safe and orderly response to medical and accidental occurrences.

To correlate and coordinate the financial aspects of the church so that it is fiscally able to carry out the mission of the church in providing services necessary for worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism to the membership and the community.

To enthusiastically welcome and show our hospitality to each person entering the doors of Mt. Olive
Institutional Missionary Baptist Church.

Prepare and serve meals and/or refreshments for various occasions to promote a warm family environment for the congregation.

To keep in touch with new members and current members who are not active within the life of the Church

To pray fervently both day and night for the will of God to be done in the Mt. Olive Family and guests through website requests and call ins.

"To reach people for Jesus Christ by providing quality recorded worship services and enhance the worship services with visual arts including audio and video.

To cultivate the Christian life of laymen through study, worship, fellowship and service.

To reach out and bring youth together. Teach them Christian values with guidance, support and training that is amid at developing the competence and character of the Mentee.

To give the message of God as taught by Christ to unbelievers and new converts.

To offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - This is your true and proper worship.
MO Praise
A good measure of our spiritual health is our depth of concern for other people.

"To enrich each worship experience through the Ministry of Music in preparation and support of the spoken word."

To Keep members informed on a quarterly basis of the people, events and Good News happening in and around Mt. Olive.

To provide child care and medical assistance to the congregation.

The Olive Branch Ministry will provide spiritual and direct counseling with loving support and compassion. The Olive Branch will assist members through structured groups and confidential counseling services.

The Outreach Ministry exists to be God's hands and feet on earth, living out Matthew 25:31-46 by partnering with other churches and organizations to meet the needs of God's people in and beyond the Saginaw community. This includes our summer feeding program, benevolence, visitation, donations, prison ministry, and responses to crises that arise.

To show the love of God through prayer, a comfort throw and visitation, also providing local nursing homes and Hospice patients with a comfort, shawl or lap blanket.

The Personnel Policy Ministry exists to develop job descriptions, benefit packages and wages for all employees of Mt. Olive.

God's Glory in all we do. To Share with others our spiritual gifts as our ancestors shared with us.
II Cor. 9:6-8
To equip individuals with hands on, basic sewing skills

To train youth, ages five through eighteen, to efficiently and effectively lead the congregation through the worship experience.

The Security Department monitors all activities during the many services and events here at Mt. Olive, ensuring you a pleasant and safe worship experience.

The Mt. Olive Sports Network Ministry offers opportunities for all ages to engage in activities to renew the physical and spiritual well-being in a safe, Christian environment. Our goal is to serve the members of Mt. Olive and the community through sports activities that give God all glory & praise.

To provide Dependable and safe transportation for all church activities

The Trustee Ministry provides maintenance and upkeep of Mt. Olive's building and grounds. This includes property acquisition, construction, demolition, building improvements and transportation.

To effectively assist both people and pastor in worship and to better serve congregational members and
guests before, during and, when necessary, after services.

To provide a foundation for youth to live a Godly and Christ-Centered life by helping them understand their
purpose and by teaching them how to live in their purpose.

The Women's Ministry exists to inspire women in the faith to continuously build a better relationship with God and each other by supporting the spiritual growth of our Mt. Olive sisters and women throughout the Saginaw community. This includes our Missions class on Tuesdays at 1pm, Christian Women's small group on Tuesdays at 6pm, as well as various outings and fellowships throughout the year.

We are the dreamers, seekers, and passionate go getters of our time. Some often find our ways risky and aloof, but we believe in being radical for Christ!

To encourage parents and grandparents to live, I Peter 2:9 as Peculiar Parents who accept God's calling to raise children empowered to realize their full potential.
Very Important Parents